Thursday, February 26, 2009

yahoooooo dpt balik umah....

akhirnya dapat juga pulang umah.....
i miss u so much katil ku....
selepas menempuh pelbagai dugaan kt sester
boleh jgk ak balik....
byk perasaan yg timbul semasa di sester....
stress, happy , sad, boring, benci, n satu lg
sakit coz kena 'elergik'....... udang punya pasal nie....
esk kena g sester semula.........

Monday, February 9, 2009

i'll miss taekwondo (speed power taekwondo)

i'll always remember my sweet n bad memories with sir azizi n the other members.....
i'm going to leave they all...
picture from adi(dodol)'s friendster

WhY mUsT sAy Go0dByE

mesej y baru saja dterima......

trah: waz.......tke cre kt sna.... jgn lupa solat..
ingt kt hero(trah),uknow(nisa),atyn n ririn
selalu leklok....jgn ngis...n i want u 2
know dat all of us very love u wawaz....dadaaa..

atyn(fatin): huhu, hope u epy olwz there... don't 4gt me...
i want u 2 know that i olwz miss n remember
u....lurve u wawaz...goodbye...

ninis(nisa): weh....sedih r.....ok, i'll never 4gr u.....
u'll owez b my fwen...jge diri lklok kt
sana nnti tau......jgn lpe ktowg......
i love u a lot wawaz.....dadaaaa..mmuah!

fadlin: u're a part of so many of my happiest memories,
and i want u 2 know how special u will always be 2 me wazni...
friends forever! luv u! muahahaha...
forget me not ok?

t.mahani: wazni, tahniah.... semoga epy kt sana....
harap wazni lebih cemerlang drpd tcer k!
don't forget me!!!

AAA_oppa:alop my dear, nk g dh esk kn?
sedihnye x dpt jumpe MSW lg....
don't 4gt me.... i want always be no 1 in ur mind...
tke cre u....goodbye.....

me: why must say goodbye?
i still alive.......
i just g to SMS KT je....
don't make me sad anymore....
btw i never sad...hehehe(^_^)

Sunday, February 8, 2009


this is my last time suffering internet before i go to sms KT...
i'm going to leave kamil...
so sad.....
i'll miss you friends....

waz, betul ke awk nk g?
em..sedihnye awk nk g dh....
tp nnti awk plg umah jgn lupa atar mesej n call sy...
sy nk jd org y pertama...

waz, awk jgn g la.....
stay r kamil dgn kitaorg....
boring r kalu awk x dop...
nnti awk kt sane jgn lupa kn saya tau?
present yg sy bg kt awk tu mesti bwk g kt sana...
biar awk ingat sy kt sana...

yg saya bg pown awk mesti bawak...
letak kt meja study awk...
biar nanti sblm awk study awk tgk kt bnda tu n ingat kt saya...

ingat kt sy jgk 2...
tgk nie bear yg awk bg sy dh sangkut kt fon sy...
supaya sy ingat awk sentiasa n awk pown kena ingat kt sy jgk...
ingat 2 nnti awk pulang umah call/mesej sy tau..
kalu awk x call sy sy cekik2 awk....hehehe....

i don't want to say goodbye
coz i know suatu ari kita akan bertemu dn berkumpul semula...
i belive....

trah, ckgu juhaidi dh sampai...

tiba2 trah peluk ku dgn erat di depan c.juhaidi..

awk boleh g mane?

dpt g sms k.terengganu ckgu.

em...(^_^),thniah r...
nk g esk kn?
belajar sungguh r....
nnti g 2 jgn lupa org kt cni tau...

ok ckgu...

tiba2 ada mesej...

waz, my honey.....
u realy want to leave me?
em... sedihnye.......
nnti g sana jngan lupa kt AAA_oppa tau....
remember me always....
kalau ada org buli waz g tau kat AAA_oppa..
nnti AAA_oppa g tumbuk dia....
jaga diri baik2 kt sana...

kt kls 4mi

wazni, nnti awk g 2syen minda agi dh...
sy nk bluetooth lagu tvxq nga awk....


duk cni jap..... awk nk g dh ke...


che ku:
maaf r kalu aku ada wt salah kt ko....

(????= x ingat)

p/s:i'm so sad to leave you all....
i'll remember u all......

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4 feb, jeajoong birthday?

happy birthday to jaejoong...(^_^)

happy birthday to daddy yunho...

uknow oppa, seng il chu ka hamnida........
nothing to say but hope you always happy
and all your wishes will come true...
lastly, please take care for junsu....
please don't bully junsu.....

this is cake for you...sarangheo>

hazira bastard.....

hazira baka.......!!!!
how dare you..........
to all tvxq's fan please help me to abilosh hazira...
hazira jahat....
beraninya dia cakap kum.DBSK semuanya hodoh2... dare you?
dahla cakap dbsk hodoh tambah lagi kutuk
mereka dgn ayat yang panas depan2 aku...
adeke patut dia buat aku meletup td?
hazira baka.....
hazira siapla kau kalau kau bereni kutuk DBSK lagi...
i'll kill you....
that evening i just kick you...
but for other time i'll kill you...
i'm not kidding.....
don't wanna try to make a mess with me.....!!!!
i'm not kidding.....
hazira no hentai,baka,pabo,babo......

my favourite never end

nothing to do.. so i post it....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

what she/he want from me?

Dear Wassini Mazlan,
May God bless you for your kind and prompt response, and I pray that he will bless us in this profitable relationship. I truly appreciate it. And with your trust and co-operation, I am confident that this is going to improve our financial status tremendously!.I am Blandine Kolonga the only child and 25 years old am in Abidjan Cote d Ivoire. The first thing in this matter is truthfulness between you and I. In my first letter to you I had informed you all, I will like to know you more and the business you are into or the thing you do,and also your house address,and I will submit all to the bank here and introtuce you to the bank as the beneficiary to the money also my partner who will received the money abroad on my behalf so that the bank can advise you on how the money will be transfered into your country in your account.Again,I will appreciate if you send your telephone number for easy communication.
Immediately the bank transfered the money, I will be coming over to meet you so that we can talk on how to invest the money in any good business you like,dear Wassini Mazlan, you see, honest is a quality I admire in a person. Please try to understand my condition here ok.

Thanks, I will be waitin for your urgent reply,immediately I received your reply and the things I needed from you then I will send to you the bank contact so that you can contact the bank and ask the bank on how the money will be transfer into your account in your country,I hope the bank will advise you on how the money will be transfered to you in your account. Again do not forget that this is confidential between you and I,because this money is the only hope I have in this world and you are the only way to my hope okay.
Thanks and God bless youSincerely.

p/s: realy hate that kind of people....shit..

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